Monday, May 7, 2012


American Evangelicals have historically, culturally, and epistemologically been at cross-purposes with the traditional Conservative wariness of ideology, revolution, nationalization, and economic centralization.

~ Peter Daniel Haworth


Anonymous said...

It seems a shockingly broad generalization to claim that Evangelicals aren't wary of ideology, revolution, nationalization, and economic centralization. I think one could point out some differences between Evangelicals and traditional conservatives (whatever that means) on the grounds that many current-day Evangelicals fall more in the neoconservative camp, but even that is dangerous because it creates a false dichotomy (i.e., no Evangelical is a traditional conservative). --B. Hunter

Chuck Hicks said...


Thanks for taking a look and commenting. I quite agree with your concern over broad-brushing evangelicals. As a progressive dispensationalist I know what it means to be assumed a supporter of aggressive U.S. foreign policy that would "speed up" Armageddon. Most dispies (especially prog dispies,) being of a generally quietist persuasion, do not hold that position at all -- the John Hagee's of the world notwithstanding. And I count myself as an admirer of traditional conservatism properly understood. I'm sure there are many other similarly disposed evangelicals.

However, I do agree with the general drift of the Front Porch Republic article. American evangelicals, perhaps inadvertantly (though a few may have dominionist postmil or apocalyptic premil motives) generally tend to support candidates and initiatives that expand the scope of the state, politically and economically. Some of it has to do e.g. with paranoia over Islam (or some other "other," like communism of yesteryear), being "pro-business" (which isn't synonymous with pro-market) and wishing the state to rule on matters that have already been decided according to the customs of civil society and the church.